Friday, February 19, 2016

Homeschool Adventures

Every year in my library system, we write proposals for programming. These proposals are based on a need we see in the community as well as the library's 5 year Strategic Plan. The patrons at my branch have been asking for school-age programming for a few years, but until recently there had not been a good way to fit it in.

Enter the Homeschoolers. 

Our branch has a very large homeschool population, both of secular and religious oriented families. When K and I asked around for more info on what the interest was for school age programming, 4 out of 5 inquiries were by parents who were homeschooling their children.

So, we wrote a proposal and started a pilot. Homeschool Adventures! (Say it like you have the Theme from Indiana Jones in the background. Go ahead. Try it. I'll wait.)

Originally, we had the kids broken down by age. K would take the 6-8s and I would take the 9-12s. After the first session, we threw that out the window. Because, wouldn't you know it, the families like to keep everybody together. The kids socialize remarkably well across ages and even with the parents of other families. It really is a community.

What makes it fun for us as librarians is that we get to essentially do teaching units based not only on our expertise, but also the interests of the kids and the curriculum needs of the parents.

To date we have done the following programs:

  • Constructables- The kids got to build whatever they wanted with marshmallows, gumdrops, straws and toothpicks.

  • Card Making- K is a master card maker. She led them through the finer points of stamping and decorating holiday cards

  • Snack Geography- We formed a voting game and map activity around snacks from different countries.
  • Library Scavenger Hunt- We gave a tour and had the kids hunt down a list of items in the stacks.

  • Storytelling- K demonstrated oral storytelling and then we did 2 Round Robin Stories. (with 20 kids)
  • Simple Snacks- We made Friendship Soup and salad with ingredients contributed by the group.
We organize the programs to be completely interactive. Often we take whatever the kids component is and describe it on the large white board in our program room. This is done both for evaluative purposes (I take pictures to display for the higher ups come service plan season) and to show the kids that these programs belong to them. These are not programs that the library just puts on for them. It is literally their program.

We are getting a growing number of families to these programs. Often we have over 20 kids ranging from age from 4-13. We gear the Homeschool Adventures for 6-12 but do not bar younger or older siblings, and this seems to be agreeable to all involved.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Book Pick~ On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King

On Writing by Stephen King

I don't often post reviews for adult titles, but I love this book! 

I have been a fan of Stephen King's fiction for years. So, in high school my parents gave me On Writing as a Christmas gift. I didn't get it. "But, I’m not a writer!" I thought. Now I realize that they knew me better than I knew myself. Recently I drafted a novel, and reread this book again.

King starts out with what he calls his CV, an autobiography that provides a rich background into his character and upbringing. You can see his evolution, with the help of his single mom and older brother into a voracious reader and tentative writer. He describes the trials and tribulations of perfecting his craft while working odd jobs to support a growing family. And then he gets down to the nitty gritty, practical tips on writing. King is both self-deprecating in his suggestions and critical of others. He doesn’t pull punches for anyone.

On Writing is currently helping me get through the long slog of revisions and "What was I thinking?" moments. It is a must have for writers and King fans alike, reminding us of the commandment to be honest in our writing. 

For instance he suggests: If you curse in real life, then don't have your characters substitute curse words, unless it is for a good reason. If your character is the type to yell "Sugar!" when hitting her thumb with a hammer, that is characterization in and of itself. 

Tidbits like these are invaluable to aid a writer in ego and anxiety checks alike. I loved On Writing so much, I bought a hardback for my shelf and the mass market paperback to highlight and keep in my handbag.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Book Pick: The Diviners

The Diviners follows a ragtag group of latent psychics in 1920s Manhattan. A killer is on the loose, committing brutal ritualistic murders that have the police and press scratching their heads. Can Evie O’Neill and the other Diviners stop this madman before time runs out?

Libba Bray’s historical fiction is incredibly well researched, allowing for a lush narrative, peopled with vibrant characters. Her 20s flapper, Evie O’Neill truly is “the berries.” She’ll keep you on your toes through the sinister Big Apple of The Diviners.