Friday, September 12, 2014

Sink or Swim week OWNED!

This week was a big week in my career as a Children's Librarian. It was my first program packed week of my professional career.I started my preschool programs,  which I have been planning since I started my current position in June.

Also as it happens, my Partner in Crime K was out this week on vacation.  She covered for me during the end of our prize distribution for Summer Reading, and I saw no problem in covering for her as well. So I was also in charge of her Baby Lapsits and Toddler Storytimes for the week. To top it off, I had the honor of attending a fancy schmoozing event on the clock. But more on that later.

I had my first of the six program stretch last week. It was my first Baby Lapsit since I was an intern several years ago, so I was a bit nervous. All and all, it went well, the moms were very gracious and bared through me looking down at my notes every so often during our bouncing rhymes.

I didn't run into many problems at all for any of the programs except for one day, in which I chose to pack my first Toddler Storytime since school, my first planned=completely-by-me Preschool Storytime, and the aforementioned fancy dinner. All this was accomplished by a split shift graciously granted by my manager. So any and all stress was my own damn fault.

The Toddler Storytime started swimmingly. I introduced myself and informed all the parents that I was subbing in for K. We put out toys for the babies and toddlers to play with, and there was some confusion between me and the moms as to when the kids could play with them, but we got it worked out.

My only bugaboo was one mom who decided that she knew exactly how the program should be going, and wanted to tell me in detail...repeatedly. Now, to her credit, she was a lovely woman. And I honestly think that she believed she was trying to help. But after the fourth or fifth criticism (with accompanying reminder that I was just a substitute this week and K would be returning next week) my smiling facade finally broke. She asked if we were going to sing the Clean Up Song and let the kids put away the toys (because that's what Miss K always does).

So I told her she was welcome to lead us in the song, because I had honestly forgotten the tune. She asked again. I responded the same. So we both hemmed and hawed our way through the song and all was well. Toys away. Toddlers adjourned. Apocalypse averted. Everything was hunky dory.

The Preschool Storytime went smoother. We had one little boy who simply could not sit still, or down, or stop grabbing things. But he was all of four years old, and that is to be expected. His dad was very gracious about retrieving him. And again, fun was had by all.

That evening I attended a fancy awards banquet as table filler for my library. Traffic getting there was not of the fun, but dinner was excellent. I had the privilege of meeting a number of our library trustees and sitting next to the CEO, who kissass-ery aside, is a really cool person. Listened to some good Motown music live. Chatted with co-workers about library stuff. Hobnobbed with movers-and shakers. Nearly got to shake hands with the Mayor. Even got to nerd out about Buffy the Vampire Slayer with one of the higher ups. All in all an awesome night!

The subsequent two Preschool Storytimes and Baby Lapsits went smooth except for the part where I misplaced Green Eggs and Ham. But I gave the kids some extra craft time after the felt story and they were cool with it. So long story short (too late) I'm starting to feel like a real Children's Librarian. I am no longer the the Programming Poser! Yay!

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