Thursday, June 7, 2012

3 Cool New-to-Me Library Technologies

I've been trolling the library blogs lately, in an attempt to make my Google Reader account into something other than a way to pass time in between tech support calls. I now have the better part of 100 subscriptions, most of which are job search feeds, and library blogs.

This endeavor has yielded the following results that made me curious to really excited.

1) Mousercise - A tool for teaching basic mouse skills. Excellent for introductory computer classes taught in libraries. (Found on: Rating ~ Wicked useful...and surprisingly fun.

2) Evernote - A personal content management tool. It allows you to collect articles, clips, photos, etc. for later reference or use. (Found on: Librarian by Day) Rating ~ I just downloaded it. More reviews to come.

3) - A Crowd funding campaign site with a mission of crowd-sourcing funds to reimburse publishers and authors in an effort to provide free public licenses to E-books. (Found on: No Shelf Required)
Rating ~ Intriguing, and a wonderful idea. But it's new, so I look forward to watching its development.

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